The Chilean Power Company - Compañía Chilena de Electricidad Ltda (Chilectra) that is part of the Endesa group, signed a contract with WM for a meters reading project which involves the supply of 200 portable terminals - Honeywell Dolphin 9700; which have the ability to take pictures linked with the customer's geographic coordinates and have the robustness needed for field operation.
This decision was made by Mr. Ram Soto, Deputy Manager of the meter reading area, who relied on a previous study where the leading providers of mobile technology in Chile were evaluated. WM (Chile) was the best qualified by the quality of its solutions and its experience of over 20 years in the Utilities Sector in Latin America. Soon, other solutions will be developed for supporting business management in Chilectra like Onsite Billing.
In 2011, there has forecasted a exponential growth for WM (Chile), based on the strong demand for mobile solutions from current customers in this country.