Leaders in Mobile Solutions and Automatic Identification
CL PBX +56 (2) 9492840
PE PBX +51 (1) 2663769
It is our ongoing commitment to ensure a high quality service to our customers and meet their technology needs; WM WIRELESS & MOBILE, under the leadership of the General Management runs and coordinates the implementation of the Quality Management System, based on the guidelines and the organizational strategic directives, with the goal of achieving customer satisfaction and continuous improvement in all of our processes, products and services. To implement this quality culture throughout the organization, WM WIRELESS & MOBILE issued the Quality Policy, framed within their strategic statements (vision, mission and values), and the Quality Objectives as a framework to establish and continuously review the Quality Policy by the Top Management group and the ISO Team. Thus, the Policy, Quality Objectives and other components of the Quality Management System - QMS, are broadcast to all our customers, partners, allies and the entire organization's human resources through the proper communication channels (Web site, intranet, corporate mail, billboard, awareness briefings, and other written communications, etc.), in order to ensure diffusion and understanding at all levels of the organization, fulfilling customer requirements as well as those legal, regulatory, and the NTC-ISO-9001: 2000. Quality Policy “We are a company dedicated to integrating mobile solutions with innovative and quality products, providing total solutions to our customers needs (hardware, software, communications, supplies and services), looking for becoming the company leader in Latin America, providing welfare and support to our employees, as well as generating profits for shareholders; based on a culture of quality that uses continuous improvement and process optimization.” Quality Objectives The following objectives have been established for the year 2008: • Verify the appropriate customer service and guarantee their satisfaction. • Generate new business opportunities in Colombia and in other Latin American countries, with the involvement of our strategic partners. • Develop the potential of our staff through training and instruction. • Define a program of bonuses and incentives for all of our staff, consistent with goals, outcomes, and performance. • Implement new tools for supporting, managing and supporting processes and improve the existing ones (Intranet, Help Desk, Web site). • Optimize every process through standardization, management, and tracking. To fulfill these quality objectives, there have been established the goals, activities, responsibilities and deadlines for completion; this information is recorded in the Action Plan for compliance with quality objectives DE-PL-002.