Leaders in Mobile Solutions and Automatic Identification
CL PBX +56 (2) 9492840
PE PBX +51 (1) 2663769
There are innumerable difficulties that arise when making payments at the offices of banks or through the virtual branch. One of the most relevant is the lack of time and the fear of using the web as a medium of payment. However, there are payment solutions that make life easier for users and collecting companies: Payments SMS: it is a mobile solution that enables businesses to facilitating payment of invoices from their customers through a cell phone with text messages. It is a safe and proven way, which meets all safety standards from Circular 52 and the banks. Payment with Dataphone: this is a mobile solution like the one used at the POS in supermarkets; connects via GPRS to the network and performs transactions online. Lets you pay with credit cards / debit cards and provide receipts for the collection made. Payment with an Integrated Dataphone: it is a mobile solution that integrates all the accessories in a single device. With Windows Mobile OS, this device not only lets you take pictures, read barcodes (new ID Cards), fingerprints, print receipts, read cards and perform online financial transactions, but also allows you to run mobile applications such as route accounting, parcel collection, field service, etc.