WM Blackloss – Solution for Loss Control


In the power sector non-technical losses in the distribution system, which are derived from the unlawful use of the electricity service, have reached high levels affecting investment in service improvement and grids expansion.   WM Blackloss is a mobile solution that operates on a portable device, and allows gathering information on the field, required to run a full diagnostic and treatment of non-technical losses in distribution systems, for an early detection of potential failures such as manipulation and fraud when the installation of the meter, or damage on the meters, optimizing the results in loss reduction programs. It integrates the newest technology (Maps, GPS, GPRS, etc.). Also allows accessing business systems and ERPs.   Benefits:  • Streamlines information capture and analysis  • Responds quickly claims filed by customers  • Prints records with the user's signature  • Captures images of the meter or the installation  • Identifies the meter automatically  • Captures single-line diagrams, either preloaded or drawn on the touch screen  • Ensures that the invoice is for the proper value