Dataphones and Payment Systems

Pin Pads: They are terminals that are connected to Point of Sale (POS) or Cash Registers, and are used for PIN based transactions and magnetic stripe and Smart cards. WM Wireless & Mobile has several models according to customer needs.   Wireless Dataphones: These are electronic POS terminals, to streamline the approval process, generate automaticaly the proof of purchase and at the end of the day perform the deposit of the amounts sold in the bank account previously authorized. They can connect via bluetooth and their dataphone base is connected to a PC.  

Mobile dataphones: are terminals which integrate all the benefits of a dataphone (WWAN) and all accessories in a single device. With Windows Mobile, this device cannot only be for taking pictures, reading barcodes (new ID cards) and fingerprints, but also printing receipts, reading cards and performing online financial transactions. They can be connected via cellular network with their SIM card.